A button for Arowyn ↓

We, the survivors of Arowyn Kusaj are demanding accountability.

Surviving Arowyn Kusaj permanently changed the trajectory of our lives and they have avoided accountability for far too long, grooming partners, witnesses, and mediators. It's time for it to stop.If you are wondering what we mean by "accountability process" and how we plan to repair the damage, please visit the list we made here.

For safety, identities of survivors have been redacted from the public.
Some incidents cover multiple topics so to prevent repetition, incidents are placed into categories that best fit them. Categories may contain overlap but content warnings should cover what's inside.
Everything is alleged.

Egregious Actions


Content Warnings: domestic violence, physical abuse, psychological abuse, verbal abuse, manipulation, gas lighting

Coercive Control

Content Warnings: gaslighting, manipulation

Sexual Assault

Unfortunately, most of the incidents of this were not recorded, but luckily one of us was able to capture screenshots of Arowyn going into gross detail about one of the incidents. The victim had to baby them into admitting they did anything wrong.Content Warnings: sexual assault, sexual coercion, drug use (xanax), manipulation, transmittance of STDs, incredibly uncomfortable sexual descriptions from the POV of a rapist

Revenge Porn

We have already done everything we can to remove said videos from the websites, so now we're protecting the survivors privacy so as not to retraumatize with these videos resurfacing.Content Warnings: revenge porn, sexual coercion

Suicide Threats

Content Warnings: suicide threats, self harm threats, insect hallucination descriptions

Cheating / Lying

Content Warnings: transmittance of STDs

Avoiding Accountability

This has been going on for years. Every form of accountability process involving them has failed. They will lie and manipulate their way out of anything, grooming not only victims but witnesses and mediators as well. They are likely going to mass block, or just delete their profile and make a new one.Content Warnings: just being a POS tbh

Not Abuse - Still Sucked

Destroying Vehicles

Content Warnings: just being a POS tbh

Cosplaying Homelessness

Content Warnings: just being a POS tbh

Learn More

Public Info

List of aliases, photos of their face, their vehicle(s), their business card, and locations they are known to frequent. Some known information is kept between survivors.



Physical abuse is any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person by way of bodily contact. [source]
Domestic abuse (aka domestic violence or intimate partner violence) is abuse that occurs in a domestic setting, such as in a marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence is committed by one of the people in an intimate relationship against the other person, and can take place in relationships or between former spouses or partners. In its broadest sense, domestic violence also involves violence against children, parents, or the elderly. It can assume multiple forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, financial abuse, or sexual abuse, or combinations of these. It can range from subtle, coercive forms to marital rape and other violent physical abuse, such as choking and beating that may result in disfigurement or death. This also includes the use of technology to harass, control, monitor, stalk or hack. [source]
Psychological abuse (aka emotional abuse, mental abuse, or psychological violence), is a form of abuse characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another person to a behavior that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, clinical depression or post-traumatic stress disorder amongst other psychological problems. It is often associated with situations of power imbalance in abusive relationships, and may include bullying, gaslighting, abuse in the workplace, amongst other behaviors that may cause an individual to feel unsafe. [source]
Economic abuse is a form of abuse when one abusive person has control over the victims access to economic resources, which diminishes the victim's capacity to support themselves and forces them to depend on the perpetrator financially. Economic abuse also includes the control of someone's present or future earning potential by preventing them from obtaining a job or education (which is different from financial abuse). [source]


"they made me homeless when they had a home themself, gaslit me constantly, would become very easily angered and scream at me for something as small as putting their jewelry somewhere different, posted revenge porn of me and refused to take it down" 11/27/24


[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a text message from Arowyn. It reads: "I did not at any point say this is in your head. I didnt even allude to it. I'm saying your feelings are completely valid. What you're saying is valid. What I'm saying is that I'm not abusing you. I'm not trying to say my actions are okay, I'm just saying it's not abuse. I'm not doing these things with the intention of manipulating and coercing. Like I said. I'm not doing these things without remorse. I'm not doing these things without understanding they're not okay. Does that make sense? Id like you to respond to the other things I said also, because you completely ignored them." Timestamp reads 8.30

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a typed statement reading, "I was informed that arowyn was still using photos of us and saw that it's true [redacted text] I sent them a message informing them that they dont have permission to use the photo and they blocked me. Arowyn is an abusive, manipulative liar. They used all of my weaknesses against me (things I told them hurt me or scared me they later used to their advantage). They cheated on me with our mutual friend ON MY CAR 3 months into our relationship and lied about it for 5 more months until I finally asked our mutual friend the truth. They once had sex with me on xanax then spent the good chunk of the night telling me how embarrassingly high I was and how they were angry with me for taking xanax, so I ask why they had sex with me and their response was, 'you were in complete control.'" There is no timestamp.

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a statement beginning with a short redacted text. The remainder reads, "Their manipulation had me basically brainwashed. I did not feel like a person worthy of love. They taught me to hate myself. They had me going through my Facebook messenger and showing them who I was talking to and explaining why I was talking to them. They went into my Facebook messenger when I was asleep all of the time. This one time we were in an argument because I wanted them to know they weren't allowed to go through my shit on my computer (basic privacy respect). They went, " I'm gonna go through your computer right now"and opened it up, I stepped forward and slammed it shut and they stood up to shove me against the door." There is no timestamp.

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a Facebook post dated Oct 8, 2018 reading "this person is trash. They use their 'activism'as a way to prove they -aren't- trash & it's all a ploy so they can act out and be violent. Brought LE to our squat, never paid Bill's, abused my housemate every fucking day for months. [redacted] -10/10 do not trust. Do not let in your homes. Do not let this person date your friends. I'm still regretful I didnt actually DO anything to stop the abuse I heard them inflicting on my past housemate. They had us all fooled. Hopefully passing this around will save some other smol beans from their abuse."

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a statement saying "I just want to say that they were physically and emotionally abusive to me for months. Forced me to be houseless because they didnt like my roommate. Constantly accused me of things that simply didnt make sense and insisted until I just gave in and admitted things I never did. Told me to kill myself a couple times.i could go on. Completely broke me as a person. Many many many many people witnessed them screaming bloody murder at me on virtually a daily basis. Slammed their head through our ex girlfriend's wall and then screamed at me for having a panic attack because "they needed me." Told a friend that they "didnt consent" to said friend having CONSENSUAL sex with our ex girlfriend. Thank you for sharing your piece. I'm here for you."

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a Facebook post from a redacted username reading "I finally just found the energy to read all this. And again, I could have written this myself. Especially the constantly asking for an explanation as to who I was talking to, which was weird because we were supposed to be completely open. Making me hate myself. Telling me I'M the abuser. Etc etc. It has taken me LONGER than the time we were together to recover. It took someone who loves me INCREDIBLY deeply for me to FINALLY see value in myself." First reply says "if anyone wants horror stories oh I got horror stories" followed by a smiley face made with several parenthesis.

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a Facebook convo dated 2 years back; user names are redacted. First post reads "I've heard similar stories from too many people. This person really is scum." Second comment reads "I heard the fights, I heard [redacted] get tossed into the door. Nearly every morning I could hear Aro wake up then start in on [redacted] for various shit (usually because aro was snooping while [redacted] was asleep). Aro had me fooled and charmed as well. They played victim very well and made everyone take pity on them so when they'd cause drama or fights they would act like it was bc they were broken. Brought law outside my foreclosed home for months. Put my pitbull & [redacted]'s protective dogs in danger by bringing law there. Still owes me money for bills and I'll never see it. Took up space in the squat when they could have gone home." There are 7 reactions. The timestamp says 2y.

Coercive Control


Coercive control is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim. This also includes patterns of controlling behaviors that create an unequal power dynamic in a relationship. These behaviors give the perpetrator power over their partner, making it difficult for them to leave.[source] [source]
Reproductive coercion (aka coerced reproduction, reproductive control or reproductive abuse) is a collection of behaviors that interfere with decision-making related to reproductive health. These behaviors are often perpetrated by a current, former, or hopeful intimate or romantic partner, but they can also be perpetrated by parents or in-laws, or by policies of institutions or government. Coercive behaviors infringe on individuals' reproductive rights and reduce their reproductive autonomy. Reproductive coercion can include pregnancy coercion, birth control sabotage, and controlling the outcome of a pregnancy. Reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence are strongly correlated; however, reproductive coercion can occur in relationships in which physical and sexual violence are not reported. Reproductive coercion and unintended pregnancy are strongly associated, and this association is stronger in individuals who have experienced intimate partner violence. While research remains fragmentary, women in abusive relationships are at higher risk of reproductive coercion and unintended pregnancies. Reproductive coercion is considered a serious public health issue. Negative outcomes include poor mental health, unintended pregnancy, unwanted abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases. Unwanted pregnancy has negative effects on families and children. [source]


[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a text conversation. Message from screenshotting party, sent at 10:14am, reads "then why are you trying to fight this. If I've been awful to you then let me go." Responses (from arowyn) are extremely rapid fire and numerous. first message at 10:14 "wow" separate text at 10:15 "why would you even" separate text at 10:15 "Why" separate text at 10:15 "I just cant" separate text at 10:15 "You're wrecking my fucking heart." separate text at 10:16 "If you're going to do this I dont understand why you have to be mean" separate text at 10:37 "Why" separate text at 10:37 "Dont fucking do this" separate text at 10:37 "Why are you doing this" separate text at 10:37 "You sadistic" separate text at 10:37 "Why tf" separate text at 10:37 "Why" separate text at 10:38 "This is awfule" separate text at but the timestamp got cut off "you have no idea what you're putting me through"

[ALT TEXT] These texts from Arowyn are rapid fire. It starts with them sending, at 10:28, "Please" separate text at 10:28 "I didnt say goodbye right" separate text at 10:29 "You have to at least let me say goodbye over the phone" separate text at 10:29 "I didnt do it right" separate text at 10:29 "I wanted to hug you again and kiss you again" separate text at 10:30 "I knew that was gonna be the last time I saw you and I didnt do it right" separate text at 10:30 "I know this is unhealthy, but I'm trying to help make it healthy" separate text where the timestamp is cut off. The second image is the same conversation and it starts with Arowyn sending, at 10:30, "I wasnt trying to tell you that you dont deserve nice things" separate text at 10:30 "Please" separate text at 10:30 "Please help me" separate text at 10:30 "I'm fucking panicking" separate text at 10:30 "I'm losing my fucking shit" separate text at 10:30 "Please don't do this" separate text at 10:30 "Pleasee" separate text where the timestamp is cut off but probably at 10:30 "I dodmt get to say goodbye right

Sexual Assault


Sexual assault is an act of sexual abuse in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will. It is a form of sexual violence that includes child sexual abuse, groping, rape (forced sexual penetration, no matter how slight), drug facilitated sexual assault, and the torture of the person in a sexual manner. [source]
Sexual abuse (aka sex abuse) is abusive sexual behavior by one person upon another. It is often perpetrated using physical force, or by taking advantage of another. Sexual abuse is a term used for a persistent pattern of sexual assaults. The offender is referred to as a sexual abuser. Live streaming sexual abuse involves trafficking and coerced sexual acts, and/or rape, in real time on webcam. [source]


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[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of texts that a phone sent out of order. I will do my best to type them in order to save you the trouble. Texts read: "do you know how scary it is to not see the person you're madly in love with for a week and a half to come back to them not being there? I'm so fucking scared for you [redacted]. When I saw you I wanted to just break down and have you hold me while I cried but you were just gone. You were in a whole other world, then the same thing the next day. My first time hanging out with you and you decided to let your mind leave for the day. It scares me so fucking badly. I've cried at night since then remembering the way you were acting. Like its fucking scary to see someone you love wo fucked up they cant even stand straight or remember what you were [cuts off] like you couldn't even exchange pleasantries with me. You couldn't even pretend you were happy to see me and be around me. Everyone asked me if you were okay and I had to go through the entire night knowing things are fucking shit between us and I couldn't talk to anyone about it. They dont hate you, they just see that you're fucking falling apart and see that it destroys me to watch it and not be able to do anything about it. They're worried about you. They're worried (cuts off)" [Break in texts as midnight hits: date reads: Sunday, February 5, 2017] Screenshotter responds at 12.37am, "if you were so upset about me being fucked up, why did we have sex? Also I'm p sure I was more damaged by me doing drugs. Again, try sympathy." Arowyn responds at 12.38am "you had control over or not you did drugs. Theres a big difference." At 12.40am they send another two texts "you said you weren't that fucked up. I probably made a bad judgement call [missing text due to out of order messages] around and bring that up now.. [redacted] its 1am a d you havent messaged me in over an hour and you start with basically implying I assaulted you."

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a text conversation. at 1:33pm Arowyn says: "I really didnt mean to phrase it like that. I'm sorry I really need you to think about it... objectively? I really didnt intend to rape you. I've literally told you how everytime we have sex is something that's fucking magical for me. I love you. I didnt realize you were so intoxicated. I wasnt trying to have a fuck. I miss you I hadnt seen you in 10 days and I wanted to feel connected to you. I wanted to feel close to you. I just wanted to hold you and have our skin touch and make you feel good. It wasnt some malicious thing..." Screenshotter responds at 1.35pm "I understand it wasnt malicious. Thank you for being honest. I can completely understand where you were coming from. I do however need it acknowledged that I really shouldn't have been having sex that day."Arowyn responds at 1.37pm "I'm sorry I didnt iterate it in that exact way. I do admit that, looking back on it. I have said that in that past I probably did fuck up and we shouldn't have had sex... I've said that more than once now." Screenshotter responds at 1.38pm "Okay. Thank you for acknowledging the situation, its noted. And thank you for speaking about it with me." Text messages from the person screenshotting at 1.59pm "I should not have been having sex. I see that now. I had no idea how high I was but guess what, all that shit you sent me about being to high, completely fucking correct. I do not remember shit. And you admitted that. That's all you wanted to talk about before I brought up that I was concerned that we had sex anyway. The transition is terrifying." 2.00pm "'people like you' stop fucking abusing people. Stop fuckkmg assaulting people. Do not text me anymore. I have work to do."

Revenge Porn


Sexual assault is an act of sexual abuse in which one intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will. It is a form of sexual violence that includes child sexual abuse, groping, rape (forced sexual penetration, no matter how slight), drug facilitated sexual assault, and the torture of the person in a sexual manner. [source]
Revenge porn is the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos of individuals without their consent, with the punitive intention to create public humiliation or character assassination out of revenge against the victim. The material may have been made by an ex-partner from an intimate relationship with the knowledge and consent of the subject at the time, or it may have been made without their knowledge. The subject may have experienced sexual violence during the recording of the material, in some cases facilitated by psychoactive chemicals such as date rape drugs which also cause a reduced sense of pain and involvement in the sexual act, dissociative effects and amnesia. [source]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a facebook post reading "OH I almost forgot. This is something I could use everyone's help on. They have two videos up of us on [redacted]. I never received either nor did I give them permission to post the videos. I begged them for months to take them down for months and they said they would, but of course never did. (The videos fucking suck and it's the first thing that comes up when you search my stage name on [redacted].
So I've tried reporting it and even contacting [redacted]. If people could be so kind go flag it please. Let them know that they dont have permission to be even using my NAME let alone my content.
My stage name is [redacted] its pretty obvious which ones they are.
" 3 users including the screenshotting party have angry reacted. The timestamp says 2Y.

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a FB post dated April 11, 2019, reading "So in case anybody was wondering, Aro Wick (Arowyn Kusaj) is still abusive trash, and has been selling revenge porn of some of their survivors. They got called out on twitter and were completely unapologetic and terrible about it, but after a great deal of pushback they were forced to promise to take the revenge porn down. Unfortunately they've blocked pretty much everybody involved, and the videos are still up on some platforms. They have publicly lied about having model release forms for these videos, which leads us to believe they may have forged these documents. If you'd like to know how you can help us, hit me up.
Also if you live in the portland area please, please watch out for Arowyn. They have more survivors than I can keep track of, they are dangerous and manipulative, and they specifically target queer femme and sex workers. Be safe!

Suicide Threats


Suicidal threat means saying or doing something that reveals a self-destructive desire. While threats may not be serious and are made sometimes by people who merely are seeking attention and/or trying to manipulate others, all threats should be taken seriously. [source] But what if your partner regularly threatens suicide, particularly whenever you’re not doing something they want you to do, or when you’re trying to leave the relationship? This is a form of emotional abuse – your partner is trying to manipulate you by playing on your feelings of love and fear for them. [source] When your partner threatens to kill themselves when things don’t go their way, they’re not showing you love – they’re likely trying to control your actions. [source] It’s relatively common for perpetrators of family violence to threaten suicide to control a victim-survivor’s actions. A study by the Australian Institute of Criminology suggests 39% of women who experience coercive control are subject to perpetrators’ threats of self-harm. [source]

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[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a text conversation. The person who is taking the screenshot has not sent any messages. Messages from sender (sent at 10.48) read "I'm gonna go cut myself and hopefully get the fucking loud crazy voices to stop" separate text at 10:48 ""yaknow, before the fucking bugs and eyes start showing up on the walls" separate text at 10:48 ""anyways... I'm sorry that happened. I guess you can talk to me whenever you want. I'm obviously a piece of shit and you're obviously perfect. I have people coming over to help me calm down from what you caused. So, dont worry about me" separate text at 10:49 "how are you even okay with yourself?"

Destroying Vehicles

"OH YEAH AND AROWYN TOTALED MY CAR AND LIED ABIUT WHAT CAUSED IT! they promised they would get me a new car, any car, I wasn’t picky at that point. Instead they bought themself and ran through THREE CARS after that. And would complain to me about sitting around an doing nothing. LIKE BITCH IM BROKE AND CARLESS THANKS TO YOY! I had that car for 2 or 3 months. They told me the car hydroplaned, come to find out form several of their friends that they were absolutely texting. The car was $5k. That was a lot of fucking money for me. They did it while I was ON A WORK TRIP and ofc I told them NOT TO USE MY CAR" statement given 11/27/24


Cosplaying Homelessness

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.



"we were polyamorous as well but the ONE AND ONLY time they communicated to me that they wanted to sleep with somebody (or that they had already slept with somebody) was after I was like 'I feel like my one polyamorous boundary would be for us to not sleep with our exes' and then they came to me very shortly after and were like 'actually i wanna have sex with my ex!' and when i was like 'owch hey please don't that hurts' they told me I was abusive for telling them what to do with their body and that they were breaking up with me. they were EXTREMELY cold and sudden in doing this it was like they had completely shut me out and they barely even looked at me. they proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the night and smile at their phone chatting with their ex. then the next day they packed a bag and left for I think three(?) days and during one those three days apparently they were walking down the street with their ex and saw something that reminded them of me and they loudly started crying 'OMG [redacted] LOVES THESE!! 😭😭' and by doing this, they got their ex to comfort them even though they were the whole entire reason we were broken up. then they had sex with their ex and didn't tell them that we had chlamydia (due to Arowyn cheating on me with someone else and not telling me). I had to tell the ex about the STD. never found out who gave it to us though." statement given 11/14/24"we were open but Arowyn would decide to have other partners, completely disregarding what I thought of them. Which okay cool yeah we’re open but holy shit communicate with me? Not just me coming home from a work trip to them being like 'oh by the way I have a new girlfriend'… that happened twice 🤪" statement given 11/27/24"they cheated on me on my birthday three months into us dating and I knew it when it happened and I confronted them about it and they lied until the end of our relationship when I asked the person specifically. it started with them introducing me to the person they'd eventually cheat on me with. they were sweet and there was no bad blood at first. but while hanging out, they made a joke about how they'd hooked up in the past. when the person said this, Arowyn made the guilty face I came to know very well. They felt guilty because a week prior they had blown up at me for not telling them that I cuddled somebody in my car six months before me and Arowyn even met. So when they decided to not tell me that I was about to hang out with someone they'd hooked up with, I thought that the pairing of those two incidents was odd. I confronted them about it and I can't remember the excuses they gave but it was enough to convince me to leave it alone. Then came my birthday. Its towards the end of October so my birthday often falls around the time that Halloween parties are being hosted. We had just been living in my car for three months and finally had a roof over our head so when they asked to borrow my car to go to a halloween party alone, I said that was fine and that I'd have a good time playing sims curled up in bed. they were thrilled. at this point in time I wasn't asking very many questions and it made them very happy. I trusted them way too much. they went to the halloween party and messaged me when they were leaving to let me know they were giving a friend a ride home. I didn't see their face until an hour and a half later. the party was not far away. the place the person was being dropped off at was not far away. I knew something was off when they walked back in the door and I saw their guilty face again. they lied and lied and lied and unfortunately it was enough for me to not ask anymore questions for a while. then the person they had introduced me to as someone they "hooked up with once" and that was it, needed a place to live and I had a spare room. when I offered it to them, Arowyn FREAKED OUT. they were so mad at me and coming up with ANY excuse to try to keep them from living under the same roof as me (they were no longer living with me and couldn't observe / control the narrative anymore). I thought this was weird at the time but unfortunately didn't make the connection. towards the end of our relationship I discovered that the condoms they stashed in the center console of my car, included two wrappers. when I asked them about the condoms they said it was to hand out to homeless people. right. always the saint. when I finally asked the mutual friend what happened that day, I found out that not only had arowyn cheated on me but they cheated on me IN and ON my car. the car I was about to be homeless in again, this time alone." statement given 11/18/24



Avoiding Accountability

Avoiding accountability is the act of not accepting responsibility for one's actions or decisions, often by evading consequences or shifting blame to others. [source] A lack of accountability at work is when someone does not take ownership of an unproductive situation that results from their own actions and subsequent choices. [source] This can take the form of an outright rejection of them, or it can be an unwillingness to change. [source] The “4 Ds” for avoiding accountability are Deny, Deflect, Defend, and Diffuse. [source]

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[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a Facebook post dated July 4, 2018. The posters name is blurred out. The post reads, "I still get rly sick to my stomach thinking about how arowyn still isn't involved in an accountability process despite having like six other people speak out about their abusive behavior. Like they're still completely unchecked and they still blatantly lie about their history to people. I'm so proud of myself for healing as much as I have, but that shit still haunts me all the damn time.

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a Facebook conversation between two users with both names blurred from 2 years prior to time of screenshot. First post reads "Can confirm Arowyn is trash." The reply reads "Like fr Aro abused me as well. And like several other people. theyre not gonna stop/change. I reconnected with them and tried to help them get involved in some sort of accountability process and they cut me out." The like button is highlighted on both comments.

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a facebook post from a blurred out username reading, "I've seen their true colors and I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. I was blinded by them and I know that this apology would never be enough. It's something I feel bad about every day, im so sorry for taking their side and for making an uninformed decision. I wish the best for you." The exact date is not shown but the timestamp says 2y.

Public Info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


[ALT TEXT] A business card sitting on an oversaturated (mostly green) background. The card is black with blue tints and a car is pictured on the left. Text reads "Mobile Mechanic, Arowyn Wick, 971 724 4126, general partner, [email protected]"

[ALT TEXT] Screenshot of a Facebook page for an auto repair business called Moonlight Mechanical. The header image says that name on a green background and the o's are moons or some shit because graphic design is my passion. To the right it says "repair" in a different glowy font. Below that it shows the standard Facebook business page header, then some redacted names of friends who had liked the page, then in the about section it shows the email address "[email protected]" Description reads "independent/mobile mechanic offering flat rate automotive tune ups and diagnosis. Repairs based on hourly labor rates. Send a private message..."

[ALT TEXT] A shot of a white person on a highly saturated green background. They are wearing a large purple hood but their dirty blonde hair is still visible. They eyebrows are very arched and they have light blue eyes. Their facial hair is slightly orange toned a d their teeth are slightly crooked (likely for getting their ass beat). They probably thought that the facial expression in this photo was an attractive one but I am here to tell you its not.

[ALT TEXT] A photo of a white person in a straw hat. They have blonde hair and dark bushy eyebrows. They have light brown facial hair. They are wearing a mostly red patterned shirt with a brown vest overtop. They have several necklaces with stones on them. They are wearing brown carhartt pants and holding a large stick like a cane or staff or whatever.


We want to hear from you! There are three forms available.

The first, the "Tell Your Story" button is for; People who have had similar (or near identical, in our experience) encounters with Arowyn and are seeking support and community, and a place to share their story and process. We are here for you and we are ready to listen. Witnesses to Arowyn's behavior, however brief the contact was. What makes this case truly concerning is just how many lives were affected. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

The second form is the Simple Contact Form, which is for; People who are currently in contact with Arowyn, such as friends or family, who are willing to act as mediators in this effort to ensure every possibility of honesty. People who know of places Arowyn frequents that the survivors should avoid and social media accounts they have that the survivors should block. People who currently know Arowyn and are seeking to make sense of their behaviors or the things they've said. We would be happy to fill in the blanks that you feel you're missing! Or answer any clarifying questions. We were in your shoes once and know exactly how it feels. Some of us even used to defend them. We learned from our mistakes and are here to correct it. To hopefully break the cycle, once and for all. Survivors who are NOT Arowyn survivors, but would like help making a website about their own abuser.

The third is the comment section at the bottom of the page which is for words of support.

Quick Contact Form


The Accountability Process

Hello Arowyn.

And hello as well to people who are still in Arowyn's life and (hopefully) want them to do better.Here's some of what we are asking for when we say we want accountability:

⊹ A public written acknowledgement that...

- specifically addresses past mistakes. This should be multiple pages long with the amount of things that are necessary to include.
- clearly shows that you understand the gravity of your actions. No excuses, no explanations. Just acknowledgement of wrongdoing and defining specifically why the actions were wrong.
- is pinned to all active social media profiles. Includes a link to the place where people can report your actions if they are not aligning with accountability.
- is sent to survivors to proof read before posting. To make sure that the phrasing and tone of the message align with holding oneself accountable.
NOTE: This is the most important part of the process, but this can be temporary (if we see significant growth and efforts to repair the damages) but the date at which this can be removed should be greater than or equal to the amount of years you spent running from your actions.

⊹ Detailed apology letters that...

- are addressed to each victim individually and specifically acknowledge past wrongdoings in great detail. Ideally including everything that you can remember doing wrong. You should then be prepared to be reminded of other things you need to apologize for, and then do so.
- do not include excuses or explanations. If a victim would like an answer of "why" on anything, they will specifically ask after they get their apology.
- understand that you will get nothing out of this except the satisfaction that you are finally doing what you should have done a long time ago. You will never have access to us or our bodies again. You should apologize anyway.

⊹ A personal commitment that...

- you will tell the usernames of all your social media accounts to a moderator.
- you will not delete your accounts or make new accounts without letting the moderators know.
- you will be honest with people you meet, when relevant, about your past transgressions.
- you will delete all photos of your victims that you have stored. this includes photoshoots.
- you will no longer tell lies about your victims to try to deter new partners from reaching out.
- you will no longer posture yourself as poor or reference "when I was homeless".
- you will never again participate in sex work unless you are completely alone. Aka no more using sex work to find and coerce new victims.

⊹ You will pay back what you owe.

- $400 for rent, owed to the roommate who had to listen to you abuse their friend
- $2k to the ex whose car you destroyed
- $100 to the ex whose 3ft bong you destroyed
- $300 to the ex whose car you got impounded
- $5k to the other ex whose car you totaled
- total estimated sums of the money you earned from sexual exploitation back to the people you exploited. this will be estimated because, as you know, many of your accounts were taken down for revenge porn. round up.


This website was put together by a member of the PDX Anti Abuser Action Network.

Potentially Helpful Resources

Articles w/ More Information on Abuse

If you find yourself glancing at these titles and thinking to yourself "there's no way that's me and my partner" then I highly suggest you spend some time going over them, just in case. It's always good to be able to identify the signs, or at least have that information in the back of your head.

Domestic Abuse Warning Signs

by National Domestic Violence Hotline

What is emotional abuse?

by National Domestic Violence Hotline

5 Warning Signs of Narcissistic Abuse

by Community Action Stops Abuse (CASA)

Early Warning Signs of Abuse

by No More

Signs & Common Characteristics of Abusers

by Women's Shelter of Pittsburg

Narcissism & Abuse

by National Domestic Violence Hotline

10 Red Flag Warning Signs of Abuse

by Psychology Today

Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

by New Hope

What are the signs of domestic abuse?

by WebMD

Warning Signs of Abuse

by Women's Advocates

Affects of Narcissistic Abuse

by Very Well Mind

Long-Term Affects of Narcissistic Abuse

by Charlie Health

Your Legal Guide to Divorcing a Narcissist

by Family Law

Other Resources

MyNara App

a safe, professionally-guided domestic abuse recovery app for those who are suffering in a romantic relationship with a narcissist.

R O Wick ROWick Aro Wick Arowyn abuser Arowyn Kusaj rapist Arowyn John Wick Kusaj Samuel John Wick Kusaj III Samuel Kusaj Arowyn John Wick Kusaj III Portland Oregon Vancouver Washington Beaverton Oregon Tigard Oregon Gresham Oregon Tinder PDX moonlight mechanical auto repair moon light mechanical auto repair [email protected] 971-724-4126